Edit Undo (⌘Z) • Undoes the last change made to the active movie. Cut (⌘X) • Clears the selected segment of the active movie, or, if none, the current frame. • Saves it to the clipboard for use with Paste, Add, Replace and Add Scaled. Copy (⌘C) • Saves the selected segment of the active movie, or, if none, the current frame to the clipboard for use with Paste, Add, Replace and Add Scaled. Tip: Hold down option to turn this command into Append. — Append pastes the selected segment of the active movie onto the contents of the clipboard. Paste (⌘V) • Inserts the contents of the clipboard (obtained from Cut or Copy) after the current frame of the active movie. Tip: Hold down option to turn this command into Replace. — Replace inserts the contents of the clipboard · unlike Paste, this overwrites the current selection. Clear (⌘B) • Clears the current movie selection, without saving it to the clipboard. • Pressing the delete key has the same effect. Select All (⌘A) • Selects all of the active movie. Tip: Hold down option to turn this command into Select None. — Select None deselects any selection in the active movie. Add • Inserts the contents of the clipboard as a separate movie track · the added movie track starts at the current frame, · this is useful for adding a soundtrack to an existing movie. Add Scaled • Inserts the contents of the clipboard as a separate movie track · the added movie track starts at the current frame, · this is useful for adding a soundtrack to an existing movie, · the duration of the added movie track is scaled to fit the selection — (stretching or squeezing the clipboard contents to fit). Crop • Clears the parts of the movie that are not selected · it reduces the movie to the current selection. Copy Frame • Saves the current frame as a PICT image to the clipboard. Export Sound • Saves the movie soundtrack as an AIFF sound file. The following diagram summarises these editing operations.   Set Default Speed • Sets the normal speed of a movie to the current speed shown in the Speed Palette. The next time the movie is opened, it will be played at this speed. If the Speed Palette is not open, the speed is reset to 1.0. Set Default Size • Sets the normal size of a movie to the current size of the movie. The next time the movie is opened, it will be displayed at this size.